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Wellness MapJourney MapCareer MapGrowth Map


Wellness Map







Growth maps created for children are geared towards providing parents with insights into the child's tendencies, inner dilemma, contradictions in a positive light. 

Young ones of all creatures depend on parents for growth but become independent relatively quickly and live on their own. It is only the human child that needs an enormous amount of support and it is totally dependent on the parent for a long period of time. This is a conundrum as well as an opportunity to nurture life in the best possible way. It is a conundrum because children absorb our conditioning and carry the baggage ; it is an opportunity because we have the choice and power to turn every unrequited nuance into a great possibility. The growth map is a blueprint of possibilities, enabling the parent and child to turn the undesirable to desirable opportunities for growth and fulfilment. 

Parent's role in child development 
Parents are required to nurture children in various ways , yet there is no stipulated training to do this in life! Growth maps enable parents to do their best for the children in the various facets of development required for a child. Growth map focuses on the following aspects of a child's life and development process.

Sociocultural development | relationships that a child has to build through out their life. The parents choices necessarily may not be reflective and identifiable with the child's choices. It is important that the parent identifies what is suitable for the child and work towards creating such possibilities. The parent also has to curate the nature of relationships and provide support system so the child can build healthy relationships. 

Physical development| nutrition and well being of the child as they grow and develop. Parents may or may not be aware of what suits the child temperament and their body constitution. It is important for parents to provide appropriate food and wellness opportunities for the child within their means. 

Mental development| appropriate exposure and relevant handholding. Parents are required to provide avenues for the child's mental capacities to grow in a manner suitable to the child's tendencies, value system and ability to process information. The parent's ability and the child's ability differ due to the impact of surrounding environment and external exposure. Children are not an extension of the parent, they are whole and complete life by themselves. 

Spiritual development | offering gratitude and create a vision for the future. Parents are required to help children establish context for gratitude in their life. Many a times , parents focus on superficial habits of gratitude that may or may not translate into meaningful experiences in the child's life.

Cognitive development | Intellectual development and intuitive ability. Parents tend to assume that school and extra classes after school amount to development of intelligence. Development of intelligence is an intuitive capability that is not in the fold of information processing. As a result, educational experiences are limited and children suffer due to a mismatch between life's requirements and provided preparation.

Career development | Best fir for the child. Parents tend to push children in directions that socially are considered status worthy or based on what is in rage or what is suggested by friends and family to be lucrative. This approach often damages possibilities for the child to such an extent that the young life may never recover to fulfil their potential.

Financial development | investing , budgeting and savouring wealth in various forms. Parents tend to think that wealth is only financial, this is not true at all! Different children need various other kinds of wealth accumulation in the form of travel, experiences, nature, adventure, body based activity, expression etc, to actually understand how to create wealth and live a fulfilling life. 

The growth map is an impression of your child's expression !! It helps parents guide, mentor, direct and empower children. 


Growth Map







Growth maps created for children are geared towards providing parents with insights into the child's tendencies, inner dilemma, contradictions in a positive light. 

Young ones of all creatures depend on parents for growth but become independent relatively quickly and live on their own. It is only the human child that needs an enormous amount of support and it is totally dependent on the parent for a long period of time. This is a conundrum as well as an opportunity to nurture life in the best possible way. It is a conundrum because children absorb our conditioning and carry the baggage ; it is an opportunity because we have the choice and power to turn every unrequited nuance into a great possibility. The growth map is a blueprint of possibilities, enabling the parent and child to turn the undesirable to desirable opportunities for growth and fulfilment. 

Parent's role in child development 
Parents are required to nurture children in various ways , yet there is no stipulated training to do this in life! Growth maps enable parents to do their best for the children in the various facets of development required for a child. Growth map focuses on the following aspects of a child's life and development process.

Sociocultural development | relationships that a child has to build through out their life. The parents choices necessarily may not be reflective and identifiable with the child's choices. It is important that the parent identifies what is suitable for the child and work towards creating such possibilities. The parent also has to curate the nature of relationships and provide support system so the child can build healthy relationships. 

Physical development| nutrition and well being of the child as they grow and develop. Parents may or may not be aware of what suits the child temperament and their body constitution. It is important for parents to provide appropriate food and wellness opportunities for the child within their means. 

Mental development| appropriate exposure and relevant handholding. Parents are required to provide avenues for the child's mental capacities to grow in a manner suitable to the child's tendencies, value system and ability to process information. The parent's ability and the child's ability differ due to the impact of surrounding environment and external exposure. Children are not an extension of the parent, they are whole and complete life by themselves. 

Spiritual development | offering gratitude and create a vision for the future. Parents are required to help children establish context for gratitude in their life. Many a times , parents focus on superficial habits of gratitude that may or may not translate into meaningful experiences in the child's life.

Cognitive development | Intellectual development and intuitive ability. Parents tend to assume that school and extra classes after school amount to development of intelligence. Development of intelligence is an intuitive capability that is not in the fold of information processing. As a result, educational experiences are limited and children suffer due to a mismatch between life's requirements and provided preparation.

Career development | Best fir for the child. Parents tend to push children in directions that socially are considered status worthy or based on what is in rage or what is suggested by friends and family to be lucrative. This approach often damages possibilities for the child to such an extent that the young life may never recover to fulfil their potential.

Financial development | investing , budgeting and savouring wealth in various forms. Parents tend to think that wealth is only financial, this is not true at all! Different children need various other kinds of wealth accumulation in the form of travel, experiences, nature, adventure, body based activity, expression etc, to actually understand how to create wealth and live a fulfilling life. 

The growth map is an impression of your child's expression !! It helps parents guide, mentor, direct and empower children. 

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Career Map







In the last few decades, technological advancements, and globalisation, among other things, have had a wide-ranging impact on the ways we live and work. We are living in a networked society in which information is becoming increasingly digitalised and is available at the tip of our fingers. A wealth of information is just a mouse click away and a multitude of systems disclose that information to us. In addition, knowledge is growing exponentially. This ever-increasing rate of innovation and information exchange results in complex real-life issues.

A modern and highly flexible workforce that is trained in a multitude of areas and skills is required to tackle these problems and navigate the road to the future. A globally oriented, knowledge-intensive economy is driven by a different type of employee; modern professionals that excel at applying cutting edge knowledge to their fields and linking it to the world around them. This calls for the capacity to retrieve, prioritise, analyse, create, integrate, and distribute knowledge related to the issues at hand, in contrast to the mere retention and application of relatively static knowledge in a production-oriented economy. 

Such a multifaceted preparation for job requires understanding future possibilities as well as our own values, preferences and needs. Career opportunities are as expansive and diverse as the possibility of intermingling different fields of study and varied aspects of living to include hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes. The knowledge, skills, and practical experiences gained in Informal learning may be applied across industries and businesses in a variety of fields from public service and education to healthcare and social services, from arts administration to non-profit administration, just to name a few. Career maps prepare students for careers that require wearing multiple hats or perform in multiple roles simultaneously. Interdisciplinary skills which can be ideal for smaller employers and non-profits as well as large corporations can be deciphered from a career map. 

Nowadays, youth can also customize their course of study to bring emerging skills into new and growing industries like cybersecurity, community service management, sustainability and renewable energy, information security, forensic science, health services and more. Additionally, youth with an Interdisciplinary bent of mind and training are prepared with a multidisciplinary problem-solving approach that can also enable them to transition through different careers and take advantage of new and evolving employment opportunities. 

The career map helps prepare youth and young adults to empower themselves to build the best possibilities for themselves and their future! The map provides details of the best possible career options for an individual and takes into account their interests, values, what they like and dislike, what they are passionate about and puts together a variety of options they have in front of them! 


Journey Map


Big Picture





Journey Map| Journey maps help you figure out your journey thus far and how you might be able to connect the dots between past, present and future! Our experiences are a non linear process requiring autobiography, a review of one’s own learning experience; phenomenological description of the individual’s present situation, historical, social, physical life world. An individual’s learning spread over space and time (development) and a record of the subject's response, associations and intellections, with relevant connections to lived experience form the core of the process. 

The theory base for the journey map is drawn from humanistic philosophy, emphasis of phenomenology on reciprocity of subjectivity and objectivity in the formation of human knowledge and experience, and emphasis of existentialism on the dialectical relationship of humans with their situation. The journey map returns the person to the experience of individuals or situations to include the person’s idiosyncratic history, pre-conceptual foundations, contextual dependency, and innate freedom expressed in choice, self-reflection and self-direction. Journey map reconstructs a pathway to the present choice by digging back to identify the encounters that led to it.

Journey map is very important not only from the perspective of the individual delving into the past and imagining the future but also in that the understanding his /her own understanding from the past and making connections between the past and the future is a learning experience in itself. The autobiographical method also helps individuals and groups understand themselves in reference from past events and relevance to the future. In the process, one individual or group can learn from the stories, narratives of others and help each other in connecting dots. Learning that happens through the chakras can be connected to the vision of the kind of future a person envisions for themselves!!

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